
PAACH is a 501C3 Corporation led by a Board of Directors made up of volunteer families. As such, your donations to support our Mission and Vision are tax deductible.

You can donate now by completing the form below. You will be re-directed to a secure site to complete your transaction.

If you are interested in supporting the convention or any of our other efforts and you wish to speak to someone about this, please send a confidential email to to indicate your interest. We will then contact you as soon as possible to discuss giving arrangements and provide a tax deductible receipt.

Thank you for your consideration, and may God bless your efforts to support strong families, and encourage excellent education and Biblical character building for the next generation.


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Peoria Area Association of Christian Homeschoolers

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For questions regarding newsletter submissions, the Homeschool Convention or home education in general, please send an email to A Board member will respond as soon as possible.


Mailing Address: PAACH | P.O. Box 5203 | Peoria, IL 61601

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